Start Reading Elan's Story Here

1. A Dream Come True

I tell this story not because it's over but because my goals and dreams when I left home are fulfilled. It was not an easy road … to hig...

Thursday, 13 July 2017

27. Analysis Paralysis

They say entrepreneurs take risk. That sounds like a gamble. I think good entrepreneurs are just good at seeing an opportunity and analyzing data quickly. Based on whatever information they have, they act fast. If they did not take the time to analyze data they would be taking risk and that would make them gamblers. If they over analyze information on the other hand, they are cowards. It can lead to not making a decision for. fear of failure. I think entrepreneurs, though not gamblers, are brave. They have courage because they are willing to go where others may not have If one is continually looking for more information they may be a good manager but entrepreneurship was never their calling in the first place as it requires often making quick decisions on the fly ….

The party is still on. It is early evening and Shaddy is with his gang in a van parked outside Elan’s compound. They are mean looking guys in official gangster uniform; black hoodies and too much bling. Though the street is practically empty with most of the late arriving guests having parked in the compound, and earlier guests in a common secured parking a block away they are trying to be as discrete as they possibly can. The van is cloudy as they are smoking inside the vehicle with windows closed to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Shaddy’s phone rings. He looks at suddenly and suddenly sits up

‘Hello Sir!’

Mzee Zablo ‘Do you have the pictures of everyone who came to the party?’

Shaddy, ‘Yes sir. We watched the compound since 8.00am. We were able to recognize about 30 of the guests but the rest were not very visible as they came later in the evening. But we took pictures. Once we work on them we will have clear shots of each one.’

Mzee Zablo, ‘Well done Shaddy, these are the closest people to Elan and her father in law. Send me the names ASAP, You are gaining my trust.’

Shaddy, ‘Thank you sir, but when do we strike? These guys will soon want to be paid o, they cannot continue working without deposit.’

Mzee Zablo does not like getting the reason Shaddy continually asks for payment each time they talk. He angrily retorts, ‘Can you be patient young man, where do you expect me to get the money before we get one of them? We strike soon.’

He disconnects the phone. Shaddy is very offended. Kofi, his right hand man sited next him laughs then continues smoking.

Shaddy, “This guy thinks he can be rude to me? He!’

Kofi, another puff asks him, ‘Why de vex? Why you vex? Isn’t his daughter here? If he no go pay that is the first person we strike. Haba! Don’t trip man cough pepper from Kenya to here!’

Shaddy considers what Kofi just said, ‘You right bro, you right

As they continue talking, Dela whose house is down the street is leaving her compound to go for the party. Since they are a few blocks from Elan’s, they take the opportunity to walk and get some exercise. She notices the car parked in the dark from a distance since it was agreed no one would park near the house to avoid Elan guessing about the surprise from vehicles parked on the street instead of the public guest parking beside the compound

Dela, ‘Is that a car next to the frangipani?’

Chris looks at his mother with concern. ‘Yes mum. You paranoid it is nothing. I am sure it’s one of the guests’

Dela, ‘Parked outside when everyone is parked in? And, distance from the house! Son you never know. The political and business world can make you enemies you are not aware of. That is how we lost your father

They walk on a few meters in silence remembering their husband and father. He had gone too soon

They walk on towards the vehicle. Shaddy opens his window to let the smoke out as one of the guys starts coughing. He then decides it’s time to leave anyway as it is almost time for the party to wind up. As he passes Dela, she recognizes him from the parking at the hotel on the day the sisters arrived. She looks back at the registration number of the van and saves it in her phone.


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